"미국 '휘트니미술관' 소장품 중 하나. 2015년에 이 미술관에 가서 직접 본 기억이 난다. 이 작품(자석 TV 1965)은 불의 발명 같은 하나의 혁명이다. 독불장군 TV를 내 마음대로 가지고 놀게 있게 된 것이다. 모니터에 장치를 통해서 그림을 그릴 수 있다는 것은 과거에는 생각도 못한 일이다. 일종의 개념미술이다"
"(리처드 블로스) 1982년 백남준 회고전 때 이 작품을 봤다. 이 작품은 단순함에서 불구하고 그 안에 집중된 침묵이 흐르고 있었다. 나는 하나의 우주를 보고 있다는 생각이 들었다. 전자기가 중력처럼 작용하여 빛의 파동을 일으키는 이상한 우주 말이다. 지금 유럽 순회전 때문에 대여 중이다 - Richard Bloes // CELESTIAL SILENCE IN NAM JUNE PAIK Senior technician Richard Bloes reflects on a favorite work in the Whitney's collection. // I first saw Nam June Paik's Magnet TV in 1982, as the Whitney prepared its retrospective of the artist. Whenever I felt exhausted from all the stresses of setting up such an unprecedented show with pieces of every possible scale, I would return to this work's simplicity and focused silence. I felt a bit of the universe when I looked at it—a strange universe where magnetism acts like gravity, bending light waves. Four years later, I learned that the Museum had purchased Magnet TV when—in typical Whitney fashion—I ran into Paik himself in the large elevator at the Breuer building.
I've set up Magnet TV countless times. Once the TV is secured on its pedestal, it's time to turn it on and place the industrial magnet on top, which transforms the blank screen into a sweeping abstraction. Colleagues stand around waiting for the magnet to be placed with the anticipation of a celestial event, often saying, "Here's your big moment, Richard!" The magnet flies from my hand in one quick movement—and if it's a lucky landing, there are Ooohs and Ahhhs.
Magnet TV is currently on loan to an empty Stedelijk Museum, where it awaits the visitors who will energize the gallery after the Amsterdam museum reopens. Until then, the magnet is always active, but the TV is powered off, eerily obscuring the work's activated "face" as if it, too, were wearing a protective mask.
'백남준랩소디' 카테고리의 다른 글
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