백남준이 쓴 글을 모아 한권으로 책으로 미국에서 2019년 10월에 나왔다.
백남준 글 모음집 <우리는 열린 회로 속에 있다(We are in open circuits)> MIT 대학 프레스. 미국국립현대미술관 수석큐레이터 존 핸하르트 등 편집 Essays, project plans, and correspondence from across Nam Jun Paik's career, much of it previously out of print or unpublished. Nam June Paik (1932–2006) is a pivotal figure in the history of modern art 백남준 현대미술사에서 가장 중추적 인물이다.
'1953년 이후 한국현대미술(영문)' 정연심, 김선정 등 편집 -세계적 출판사 파이돈 통해 출간
정연심 교수와 김선정 대표 외에 미술사학자인 킴벌리 정 캐나다 맥길대 교수, 시각 문화학자인 키스 와그너 영국 런던칼리지 교수 등 4명이 공동 편집자로 참여했다. 그리고 11명의 필진이 도왔다. '1953년 이후의 한국미술' 영문서적으로 출간하다. 세계적 출판사 파이돈 통해 출간해 세계가 주목하다. 뉴욕타임시에서 크게 보도 아마존선 베스트셀러
<1953년 이후 한국현대미술> 정연심, 김선정 외 집
[NYT 신간소개] <1953년 이후 한국현대미술> 정연심, 김선정 외 집필 아래 민정기 작품 뉴욕 타임스 잘 편집된 한국 현대 미술 선집이라는 평을 했군요. Edited by the art historian Yeon Shim Chung, the curator Sunjung Kim, the literary specialist Kimberly Chung and the media scholar Keith B. Wagner, “Korean Art From 1953” is the most significant English-language overview yet of modern and contemporary art on the peninsula. It overflows with abstract painting and political printmaking, feminist performance and on-the-street photography, and for each South Korean artist you know (like the video art pioneer Nam June Paik) there are a dozen to discover.
A Full View, at Last, of Modern Art in South Korea
“Korean Art From 1953,” a lavish new book, is the most significant English-language overview yet of modern and contemporary art on the peninsula.
All you need to know about Korean Art from 1953: Collision, Innovation, Interaction | Art | Agenda | Phaidon
Crossing the military demarcation line that divides North and South Korea, with its barbed wire, border guards and military patrols, is hardly an edifying cultural experience. Yet there is now, thankfully, an easier, more pleasurable way to gain an excelle
위는 한국현대미술 소개 홈페이지
<아래책에 백남준 1995년 광주비엔날레 출품 작품 <고인돌> 소개 김대중 대통령 참관> Politician Kim Dae-jung, president from 1998, viewing Nam June Paik’s Dolmen, 1995, at the 1st Gwangju Biennale, 1995
This book is the first to survey and analyse the important, diverse and often beautiful developments in Korean art from 1953 to the present, and is a hugely rewarding read for those already familiar with East Asian contemporary art, as well as those still reaching for the subtitles when it comes to the cultural output of this fertile and distinct part of the world.
Starting with the armistice that divided the peninsula in 1953, this one-of-a-kind publication takes in the artistic movements and collectives that have flourished in this part of the world over the past seven decades, from the 1950s avant-garde through to the globalist period of the Gwangju Biennale in the 1990s, right up until the present day
<1960년대 한국의 실험미술 강국진, 정강자, 정찬승, 김인환, 심선희, 양덕수>
Artists of the Shinjeon Group – Kang Kuk-jin, Jung Kang-ja, Chung Chan-seung, Kim In-hwan, Shim Sun-hee, Yang Duk-soo – standing by Jung’s work Kiss me (1967), at the ‘Union Exhibition of Korean Young Artists’, Korea Information Center, Seoul, 1967 // There are lots of lesser-known names too. Even regular gallery goers will come across exiting new finds, such as the wild Shinjeon group, a mid 1960s pack of artists which stressed the aesthetics of anti-painting, anti-abstraction, and anti-art; or Park Hyun-ki, the pioneering video artist who worked hard to integrate the TV screen into the natural world.
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