[뉴욕타임스] SNS 2010년대 10년 이 쌍방소통 하이테크가 독재자를 무너뜨릴 것이다(Social networks that could take down dictators)라고 장담했는데 과연 성공한 것인가? [평] 댓글부대가 생겨 난항에 도달하다.
백남준에게 민주주의가 뭐냐고 물으니 백남준은 민주주의란 "말대꾸하는 것" 즉 댓글(SNS 쌍방소통방식)이라고 했다. 과연 백남준의 예언이 성공할까 실패할 것인가 두고 볼 일이다
<뉴욕타임스> https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/12/15/technology/decade-in-tech.html
[1] Most powerful tech is and always has been our hearts, emotions, brains, thoughts, beliefs, imaginations ... just protect Childrens’ ability to use those and exercise our own. We can be like the lab mice who repeatedly press the pleasure lever and starve to death and yes tech, especially early tech changes brain development, human socialization, connection, bonding, etc. the “educational apps and vagina iPods as “educational are educational is a total brain programming way... bologna
And I say this from my iPhone that I love. Those of us who’s brains, emotions, sexuality, imagination etc developed pre mad dopamine dispensing tech need to show younger generations the way. And of course can learn much frfrom them too.
See the Child and The Machine book, and so many books on brain requiring by internet, video games, porn/ sex addiction... and research by Sue Johnson PhD and so many on human attachment.
[2] The rest of the quote is instructive as well, especially the last line:
This instrument can teach, it can illuminate; yes, and it can even inspire. But it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to those ends. Otherwise it is merely wires and lights in a box. There is a great and perhaps decisive battle to be fought against ignorance, intolerance and indifference.
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